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We recently added support for Hierarchical Profiles with Places being the first to become hierarchical. Hierarchical Profiles enable the representation of entities that are naturally nested (or hierarchical) and are easier to work with and more expressive. For Places, this means that a City can be located in a State/Province, which can be located in a Country, which can be located in a Continent. When using a hierarchical place you choose the most specific Place (like City) and the app will automatically include all the other related Places within the hierarchy.
Watch our short video on Creating Hierarchical Places. We’re really excited about support for hierarchical Profiles and in the near future plan on converting Locations to this representation.
The Help and Support section of our website has found a new home: the [CatalogIt Help Wiki](https://support.catalogit.app). The new Help Wiki is a dedicated source of help and support information on using CatalogIt and makes it much easier to enhance and maintain this information. It even allows **you**, our users (if so inclined), to contribute to our help content-- we believe it takes a community to create really awesome help so please let us know if you’ve got ideas and would like to contribute. The Wiki is currently structured into the following four areas: Basics, Videos, Quick Tips, and Frequently Asked Questions. As we grow we’ll be adding tons of new content with the goal of capturing every support and how-to question in the Wiki making it easy for users to quickly find the information they need to get up to speed and get the most out of CatalogIt.
Many of you have asked about support for TIFF images as well as support for RAW images from digital cameras. The wait is over! You can now upload TIFF and RAW images to both Entries and Profiles. You can also crop, rotate, and zoom in on these images after the sample derivative has been created. There is no limit to the number and size of TIFF and RAW images you can upload. We encourage you to keep it simple and upload your best quality images to CatalogIt and let us take care of managing the derivatives for you.
You may find that there are duplicates within your Profiles, for instance, you may have a “Doe, John” and a “John Doe” and maybe even a “Doe, J.” CatalogIt makes it easy to consolidate these duplicates. The new CatalogIt Support Wiki has a short video on De-Duplicating and Consolidating Profiles - check it out!
Here's how to clean up your duplicate Profiles:
Once you’ve replaced the unwanted Profile and it is no longer in use, you can delete it:
You’ve just cleaned up your records!
The Trumbull County Historical Society, headquartered in Warren, OH, maintains the John Stark Edwards House as home to the Trumbull County Museum. Built in 1807, it is the oldest home in Warren and one of the oldest buildings in Ohio! Various rooms throughout the house represent distinct points in time throughout the house’s 200+ year history. The staff of the Historical Society is particularly active in advocating for local history and in assisting smaller organizations with documenting and managing their collections. Kudos to them!
CatalogIt is proud to be a member of the Western Museums Association (WMA) and to be a sponsor this year at the WMA Annual Meeting which will be held October 4-7 in Boise, ID. For those of you who plan to be at the WMA conference, please stop by the CatalogIt booth on Friday, Saturday or Sunday and say hello!
We are also excited to be a sponsor for this year’s International Conference of the Association of Tribal Archives, Libraries, and Museums (ATALM). The 2019 Conference is being hosted by the Pechanga Band of Luiseño Indians in Temecula, CA. We’ll be at our booth on October 9 and 10- please come by and introduce yourselves!
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Our continued thanks to all of you, and keep on cataloging!
The CatalogIt Team