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Greetings CatalogIt users! We hope this June newsletter finds you well, enjoying the beginning of summer and getting ready for a fun 4th of July. We have some great progress to share with you this month.
We're now officially in the Apple App Store which means no more TestFlight to install CatalogIt on your iPhone or iPad. To install CatalogIt on your iPhone/iPad all you need to do is go to the App Store, search for CatalogIt, and install it- no different than how you install any other app on your device. You can now safely delete the TestFlight app (unless, of course, you're using it for some other app). If you currently have the app installed using TestFlight all you need to do is update it using the App Store- it's that simple. All subsequent updates will come through the App Store auto-magically. We strongly recommend you allow your iPhone/iPad to auto-update the app (which is the default) since we'll be updating it regularly and you'll want to always be using the latest version. We want to say thank you to all the users who braved installing TestFlight, helped us test the iOS version of the app, and made it what it currently is. You’re not early-access users for nothing!!! Thank you. As for you Android users, stay tuned, we will be in Google Play soon...
We have a new domain name (or web address). We're officially now catalogit.app. Catalogit.me was just a "placeholder" until the new .app top level domain became available which Google released on May 1st. We are really excited to have this domain- it was our plan all along to get catalogit.app when it became available. We're big believers in the "app" economy and feel that having catalogit.app as our domain name reinforces who we are and what we do. Today, most users know what an app is and how to install one- it better connects the dots and simplifies the user experience. We believe the .app top level domain will be very popular and didn't want to delay switching. Don't worry, your current bookmarks will continue to work just fine; catalogit.me still works and soon will just auto-redirect to our new domain. But, as soon as you can, please update your browser bookmarks to https://catalogit.app. Catalogit.app- clean, simple, and, we hope, intuitive. For the iPhone/iPad versions of the app, there is nothing to change- this only effects accessing the app from a web browser.
We've seen some healthy growth the last few months in both number of users and collection size. Early on... one of our users started experiencing display slowness in the app with around 700 entries. We knew what to do and quickly fixed it. At the time we felt that solution would scale to between 5,000 and 10,000 entries in a single account. We now have a single account with over 18,000 items in the collection and are ready to make the next set of scalability improvements. We look forward to our first account with 50,000+ entries.
Finally, there's an event coming up on July 14 that we’d like to point out to you folks in and around the Bay Area- our friends at Art Pro Net are hosting their first Art Linx Conference. They are bringing together a variety of professionals that deal with the storage, display, curation, etcetera, of all types of art objects for a day of talks and networking. We will be speaking as will representatives of Aurora Storage Products, Hollinger Metal Edge, JTR Collections Management, and of course Kelly Bennett of ArtProNet. Here’s a link to the event: Art Linx Conference We hope to see you there!
Until next month...
Your CatalogIt Team