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We’ve been putting a good deal of work into improving the CatalogIt Print features, and we’re pretty excited with the results! Now, when you select “Print” from the Actions menu, at either the Folder or Entry level, you’ll see an option for printing a Table. You select exactly what you want to appear in that table from the options on the left- any of the fields you’ve used in cataloging the Entries. The toggle switch next to some of the closely-related data fields allows you to aggregate them into a single column in your table. In addition to printing, you can download your table directly to Excel or to a CSV file. Working with and analyzing your collection data in external applications has just become substantially easier!
What is a collaborator? You may have noticed in Settings a section called, “Collaborators” - these are the people with whom you share access to your account. For those of you that are connected with Museum, Organization, or Conservator accounts, you are probably well aware of this feature, but we wanted to highlight it for our Personal Account holders. Many of you share your passion, collectibles, and heirlooms with your spouse, family, or perhaps a trusted colleague. Sharing and collaborating on the work you’ve put into CatalogIt can make it all that more valuable, exciting and engaging. Furthermore, consider if something should happen to you, temporarily or permanently, who should be able to access that information? Adding a collaborator is easy- just contact us using our support form or send an email to support@catalogit.app and let us know the name and email of the person/s you’d like listed as collaborators in your account and their permission level: owner, read-write or read-only (soon you’ll be able to control this function yourself). Museum, Organization and Conservator accounts include up to five users and Personal accounts include up to three- take advantage of it!
Located in the heart of the Los Angeles Basin is the City of Spanish Springs and, in the heart of Spanish Springs, is Heritage Park. Within the Carriage Barn Museum, staffed and managed through the City’s Library and Cultural Services Division, you’ll always find new exhibits focusing on aspects of what life was like in the area during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. You’ll also find a “ki” or “kich,” a traditional dwelling of the Tongva people, for whom this part of the Basin is home. The next time you are in LA and feel a need to get out of the hustle and bustle, relax in the deep shade under the oaks, and absorb some local history at Heritage Park.
Disaster planning is something we all know we need to do, but something few of us have done. A little advance planning can go a long way. Check out our recent blog post for some great tips on being prepared, both before and after disaster strikes!
Our deep thanks to all of you, and keep on cataloging!
The CatalogIt Team